You will need the book Myth and Ritual In Christianity, by Alan W. Watts.

Bishop Katia writes: The author of this book was an Anglican Priest who left the priesthood to explore Buddhism, especially Zen. Many of his other books are on Buddhism. Yet, here is a gem of a book based on the religion of his childhood, the religion of his adult vocation. I think you will like it as much as I do. Thruout the church year I turn to the various chapters to see "what's going on symbolically" in the world depending on the holiday or holiday season it happens to be.


Chapter 1, In the Beginning

Chapter 2, God and Satan

Chapter 3, Advent

Chapter 4, Christmas & Epiphany

Chapter 5, The Passion

Chapter 6, From Easter to Pentecost

Chapter 7, The Four Last Things

Arch-Presvyter(a) Study Hall