You've come a long way in the Way and by now are a wayshower yourself or you wouldn't be here. Welcome to the advanced ecclesiastical study hall of the Esoteric Church of the Way, a branch of our Esoteric Interfaith Church, Inc. There isn't much here yet, we plan to add more.
Arch-Presvyter and Arch-Presvytera mean “High Priest” and “High Priestess”
Initiates who have gotten this far often request to join our seminarian Holy Orders program to become a priest or woman-priest with Apostolic Succession.
Myth & Ritual in Christianity, by Alan
W. Watts |
Listen to some of the free online lectures by Stephan Hoeller We recommend: Gnosticism: New Light on the Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing Secret Sayings of YeSu: An Unknown Gospel of Jesus? Write a short summary or report on at least two of the lectures. Post it to your Ning Study Hall page. |