Please read Chapter 5, "The Passion", in Myth and Ritual in Christianity, answer the following questions and send to Dr. Katia at the Mystery School with the subject line MythRitual Chapter 5 from _____________ (your spiritual name)

1. The purpose of Lent (Quadragesima) in the ancient Church? Two reasons, read on for second.

2. Who were the Catechumens?

3. When is Ash Wednesday, and why is it called that?

4. The ________will continue to swing between ____ ___ ____until the weight is raised to the _______, the Centre above and beyond the opposites. For ___________ _____ by no means destroys egocentricity, being nothing other than the sensation of its wounded pride--a pride which it then labours to restore by acts of _________ and _________.

5. What is the central mystery of the entire Christian myth?

6. The first day of the Holy Week is, and what is consecrated on the day?

7. At the Lord’s Supper, Christ instituted the Sacrament or Mystery which was thereafter to be the very centre of Christian life and worship, and is known by what names?

8. The reason why the new ______________ redeems and the old __________________ does not is that the Victim of the former is willing, the performer of a _____________, at once ______ and ________.

9. When does the “I” come to and end?

10. In the language of time and space the miracle of ________________ is _______ to a __________ point of ____ and _____--- to that bread and wine ritually consecrated. But from the eternal point represented by the temporal point the miracle of transubstantiation does not ______ ___ __, from the foundation of the world, and includes the ______ _______.

11. What is the Offertory?

12. What is Mandatum novum do vobis?

13. What is the entire principle of worship?

14. Why did Christ say he had to leave?

15. The Wood or Tree of the Cross is of the highest mythological significance. In almost all the mythological traditions this Tree (cross) is what?

16.The symbolism of the Tree is quite clearly that the Tree is ___ _____----____ ______-- having its stem rooted in the unknown.

17. The finite world is manifested by what?

18. Why is the Son of God impaled with Five Wounds?

19. When does the Spiritual life of man dawn?

 Myth & Ritual Lessons | Arch-Presvyter(a) Study Hall

Questions by Presvytera Ember