Please read Chapter 7, "The Four Last Things," in Myth and Ritual in Christianity, answer the following questions and send to Dr. Katia at the Mystery School with the subject line MythRitual Chapter 7 from _____________ (your spiritual name)

1. Advent is the season of the _______ ____ ______.  In which the Church turns its mind to the contemplation of _____ and ________, Hell and Heaven, to the mysteries of what is called ___________- the science of ends.

2.Christianity is an eschatological, not a historical, religion for what reason?

3. Why does Western man have a peculiarly exaggerated dread of death?

4. What is far greater than faith in Historical Christianity, and Why?

5. Who is Lucifer?

6. In what two stages come Judgement according to the Roman Church?

7. The Roman Church teaches that sin incurs both an _______ and a ________ __________ . The _______ _________is wiped out by the _________ of ______, provided, of course, that its effects have been mediated to the particular soul through the ___________.

8. How do you suffer the temporal punishment?

9. What are Indulgences?

10. How does the Christian imagination consider Hell?

11. What is the law of “enantiodromia”?

12. The delightful shock of wonder and the possibility of everlasting newness depend upon what?

13. What is visually as well as symbolically, the obvious function of the mandala?

14. What must Western man understand outside-in?

15. That present which had seemed to be no time at all would be found to be ________.

Upon finishing the last set of questions, Presvytera Ember wrote:  I enjoyed the book and, being that I am not Roman Catholic, I was quite taken with the discription of the various sacraments. I added the last two lines of my poem, to the last set of questions, as it seems to sum up what the author is trying to say in the end.  "Be a conscious participant, Live in the now. Not tomorrow or yesterday but in the only time that is real - eternity."

Myth & Ritual Lessons | Arch-Presvyter(a) Study Hall

Questions by Presvytera Ember