Footnotes for Religious Practices of the Pre-Christian & Viking Age North Article
1. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
2. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
3. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988. p.32
4. Ibid, p.32
5. Ibid, p.32
6. Ibid, p.40
7. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
8. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
9. Ibid.
10. Tacitus' Germania translated by Thomas Gordon, chapter 9.
11. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988..p.27
12. Ibid, p.27-28
13. Ibid, p.31
14. Ibid, p.32
15. Ibid, p.31
16. Ibid, p.32
17. Ibid, p.31
18. Ibid, p.27
19. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
20. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.32
21. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1 p.356.
22. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
23. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1.p.358
24. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.5.
25. Erybyggja Saga. THE SAGA LIBRARY, VOL. II: THE STORY OF THE ERE-DWELLERS, translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1892), chapter 4.
26. Erybyggja Saga. THE SAGA LIBRARY, VOL. II: THE STORY OF THE ERE-DWELLERS, translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1892), chapter 4.
27. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.35
28. Ibid, p.35
29. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
30. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.35
31. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
32. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.356.
33. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
34. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
35. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
36. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Hyndlujodh stanza 10.
37. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
38. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
39. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.50.
40. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
41. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
42. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.50.
43. Tacitus' Germania translated by Thomas Gordon, chapter 9.
44. Ibid, chapter 43.
45. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
46. Ibid.
47. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
48. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 20.
49. Ibid, chapter 4.
50. The Prose Edda, by Snorri Sturluson, translated by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur, 1923, Skaldskaparmal chapter 34.
51. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
52. Ibid.
53. Ibid.
54. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
55. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Grimnismol stanza 5.
56. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
57. The Prose Edda, by Snorri Sturluson, translated by Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur, 1923, Gylfaginning chapter 15.
58. Tacitus' Germania translated by Thomas Gordon, chapter 10.
59. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid, chapter 21.
62. Ibid.
63. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.36-37
64. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
65. Ibid.
66. Ibid.
67. Ibid, chapter 4.
68. Ibid, chapter 21.
69. Ibid, chapter 4.
70. Ibid.
71. Ibid, chapter 21.
72. Ibid, chapter 4.
73. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.103.
74. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.2
75. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.383.
76. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
77. Ibid, chapter 20.
78. Ibid, chapter 3.
79. Ibid, chapter 20.
80. Erybyggja Saga. THE SAGA LIBRARY, VOL. II: THE STORY OF THE ERE-DWELLERS, translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1892), chapter 4.
81. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 34.
82. Ibid, chapter 20.
83. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.25
84. Ibid, p.26
85. Ibid, p.27
86. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
87. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
88. Ibid.
89. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
90. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
91. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
92. Ibid.
93. The Saga of Firdthjof the Bold, in Viking Tales of North translated by Rasmus B. Anderson, 1877, chapter 9.
94. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
95. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.33-34
96. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
97. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
98. 5. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), King Olaf Tryggvason's Saga, chapter 65.
99. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
100. The Saga of Firdthjof the Bold, in Viking Tales of North translated by Rasmus B. Anderson, 1877, chapter 5
101. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
102. 5. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Ynglinga Saga chapter 33.
103. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.33
104. Ibid, p.32
105. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
106. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
107. Hrafnkel's Saga.
108. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.358.
109. 5. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Ynglinga Saga, chapter8.
110. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.359.
111. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
112. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.23.
113. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.361, p.363.
114. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
115. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
116. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.23
117. Ibid, p.21-22
118. Ibid, p.22
119. Ibid, p.22
120. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 6.
121. Ibid.
122. Ibid.
123. Ibid, chapter 4.
124. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.14
125. Erybyggja Saga. THE SAGA LIBRARY, VOL. II: THE STORY OF THE ERE-DWELLERS, translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1892), chapter 4.
126. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.358.
127. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
128. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.16
129. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.377.
130. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.31
131. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.359.
132. The Saga of the People of Vatnsdal (The Sagas of the Icelanders) translated by Andrew Wawn, 2000, chapter 17.
133. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.360.
134. The Saga of Firdthjof the Bold, in Viking Tales of North translated by Rasmus B. Anderson, 1877, chapter 10.
135. The Saga of Firdthjof the Bold, in Viking Tales of North translated by Rasmus B. Anderson, 1877, chapter 5.
136. Njal's Saga, Translation by Sir George W. DaSent (London, 1861), chapter 87.
137. Tacitus' Germania translated by Thomas Gordon, chapter 6.
138. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.103.
139. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
140. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
141. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.14
142. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
143. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
144. Erybyggja Saga. THE SAGA LIBRARY, VOL. II: THE STORY OF THE ERE-DWELLERS, translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1892), chapter 4.
145. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.43.
146. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
147. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
148. The Saga of Firdthjof the Bold, in Viking Tales of North translated by Rasmus B. Anderson, 1877, chapter 1.
149. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.360.
150. Ibid.
151. Ibid, p.376.
152. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
153. Ibid.
154. Ibid, chapter 4.
155. Tacitus' Germania translated by Thomas Gordon, chapter 9.
156. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
157. Erybyggja Saga. THE SAGA LIBRARY, VOL. II: THE STORY OF THE ERE-DWELLERS, translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1892), chapter 4.
158. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
159. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.103.
160. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
161. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
162. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
163. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
164. The Saga of Firdthjof the Bold, in Viking Tales of North translated by Rasmus B. Anderson, 1877, chapter 9.
165. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
166. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993.
167. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.43.
168. Ibid, p.60.
169. Ibid.
170. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
171. Ibid.
172. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
173. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
174. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
175. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.40.
176. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p. 142.
177. 29a
178. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.35.
179. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.89.
180. Ibid.
181. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.40.
182. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.37.
183. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.347.
184. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
185. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.36-37.
186. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.351.
187. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
188. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
189. Ibn Fadlan's Account of the Rus with Some Commentary and Some Allusions to Beowulf by H. M. Smyser, 1965. pp 92-119, stanza 85.
190. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993.
191. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.59-60.
192. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
193. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.93.
194. Ibid.
195. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.349.
196. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Hakon the Good, chapter 16.
197. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
198. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Himskvitha, stanza 1.
199. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
200. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
201. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
202. Ibid.
203. Ibid.
204. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Himskvitha, stanza 15.
205. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.45.
206. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Himskvitha.
207. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.45.
208. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Himskvitha, stanza 3.
209. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
210. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.46.
211. Ibid, p.133.
212. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.94.
213. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
214. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993.
215. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.40.
216. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.93.
217. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.40.
218. Ibid, p.40.
219. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
220. Tacitus' Germania translated by Thomas Gordon, chapter 40.
221. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.117.
222. Ibid, p.117-118.
223. Ibid, p.117.
224. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 10.
225. Ibid, chapter 3.
226. Ibid.
227. Ibid.
228. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
229. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.44.
230. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.47.
231. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993.
232. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
233. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.50.
234. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Ynglinga Saga, chapter 40.
235. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
236. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.44.
237. Ibid, p.44-45.
238. Ibid, p.44.
239. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Himskvitha, stanza 3.
240. The Poetic Edda Translated by Bellows with editing and emendations by Ari Oðsinnson, Himskvitha, stanza 5.
241. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Hakon the Good, King Olaf Tryggvason's Saga, chapter 16.
242. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.43.
243. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
244. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.41.
245. Ibid, p.42.
246. Ibid.
247. Ibid, p.44.
248. Ibid.
249. Ibid, p.45.
250. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
251. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 20.
252. Ibid, chapter 3.
253. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.89.
254. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.42.
255. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993.
256. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.101.
257. Erybyggja Saga. THE SAGA LIBRARY, VOL. II: THE STORY OF THE ERE-DWELLERS, translated by William Morris & Eirikr Magnusson (Bernard Quaritch, London, 1892), chapter 4.
258. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
259. Ibid.
260. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.94.
261. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 20.
262. Ibid, chapter 3.
263. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.101.
264. Scandinavian Classics Volume V: The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson. Translated From The Icelandic With An Introduction By Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur, Ph.D. New York, The American-Scandinavian Foundation. London: Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press. 1923, Gylfaginning, chapter 44.
265. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.352-353.
266. Scandinavian Classics Volume V: The Prose Edda by Snorri Sturluson. Translated From The Icelandic With An Introduction By Arthur Gilchrist Brodeur, Ph.D. New York, The American-Scandinavian Foundation. London: Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press. 1923, Gylfaginning, chapter 49.
267. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Hakon the Good, chapter 18.
268. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.159.
269. Ibid, p. 162.
270. Ibid, p. 65.
271. Ibid, p. 150.
272. Ibid, p. 158.
273. Ibid, p.159.
274. Ibid, p.161.
275. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
276. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.102.
277. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
278. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
279. Ibid.
280. Ibid.
281. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.131.
282. Ibid, p.132.
283. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
284. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
285. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.132.
286. Ibid, p.63.
287. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 20.
288. The Saga of Firdthjof the Bold, in Viking Tales of North translated by Rasmus B. Anderson, 1877, chapter 6.
289. Kormaks Saga, chapter 22.
290. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.116.
291. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.104.
292. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
293. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.47.
294. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), King Olaf Tryggvason's Saga, chapter 28.
295. Víga-Glúm's Saga, chapter 9.
296. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
297. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
298. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
299. Ibid.
300. Ibid, chapter 10.
301. Ibid, chapter 3.
302. Ibid.
303. Ibid.
304. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
305. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
306. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
307. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.50.
308. Ibid, p.50.
309. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p. 102.
310. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.33.
311. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
312. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
313. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
314. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
315. Ibid.
316. Ibid.
317. Ibid.
318. Ibid, chapter 4.
319. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.52-53.
320. The Religion of Ancient Scandinavia by W. A. Craigie, M. A. LONDON
321. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
322. Ibid, chapter 21.
323. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.51.
324. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 4.
325. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.36-37.
326. Ibid, p.62.
327. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.91.
328. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.55.
329. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
330. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.57.
331. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
332. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
333. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
334. Ibid, chapter 3.
335. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
336. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.91.
337. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
338. Kormaks Saga, chapter 22.
339. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
340. Ibid.
341. Ibid, chapter 20.
342. Ibid, chapter 3.
343. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.56.
344. Ibid, p.53.
345. Ibid.
346. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 10.
347. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.104.
348. Ibid.
349. Ibid.
350. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.56.
351. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
352. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.92.
353. Ibid, p.99.
354. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
355. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
356. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
357. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 20.
358. Ibid.
359. Ibid.
360. Ibid.
361. Ibid.
362. Ibid, chapter 34.
363. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.62.
364. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 34.
365. Ibid.
366. Ibid.
367. Ibid.
368. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
369. Ibid, chapter 20.
370. Ibid.
371. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.46.
372. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Ynglinga Saga, chapter 8.
373. Ibn Fadlan's Account of the Rus with Some Commentary and Some Allusions to Beowulf by H. M. Smyser, 1965. pp 92-119, stanza 92.
374. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 20.
375. Ibid.
376. Ibid.
377. Ibid.
378. Ibid.
379. Ibid.
380. Ibid.
381. Ibid.
382. Ibid.
383. Ibid.
384. Ibid, vol.4, p.1468.
385. Ibid, chapter 20.
386. Ibid.
387. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
388. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.107.
389. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.50.
390. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
391. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.2.
392. Ibid, p.102.
393. Ibid, p.133.
394. Ibid, p.103.
395. Ibid, p.103-104.
396. Ibid, p.104.
397. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
398. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.104.
399. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
400. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.104.
401. Ibid, p.104-105.
402. Ibid, p.105.
403. Ibid, p.107.
404. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
405. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.108.
406. Ibid, p.109.
407. Ibid, p.110.
408. Ibid, p.108-109.
409. Ibid, p.105.
410. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 21.
411. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.105.
412. Ibid, p.104.
413. Ibid, p.107.
414. Ibid, p.107.
415. Egil's Saga, translated by Rev. W. C. Green, 1893, chapter 57.
416. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.115.
417. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
418. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993.
419. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Saga of Olaf Haraldsson (St. Olaf), chapter 115.
420. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
421. Ibid, chapter 3.
422. Ibid.
423. Ibid.
424. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
425. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.40.
426. Ibid, p.39.
427. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
428. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
429. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Saga of Olaf Haraldsson (St. Olaf), chapter 113.
430. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.107.
431. Ibid, p.107.
432. Nordic Religions in the Viking Age by Thomas A. DuBois. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia. 1999, p.51.
433. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.411-412.
434. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
435. Egil's Saga, translated by Rev. W. C. Green, 1893, chapter 44.
436. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
437. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
438. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
439. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.345.
440. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
441. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Saga of Olaf Haraldsson (St. Olaf), chapter 151.
442. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.355.
443. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
444. Ibid.
445. Ibid.
446. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Ynglinga Saga, chapter 8.
447. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
448. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
449. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
450. Ibid, chapter 10.
451. Ibid, chapter 3.
452. Ibid, chapter 20.
453. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.111.
454. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
455. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
456. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
457. The Viking Age by Paul B. Du Chaillu. 2 volumes, 1890, v.1, p.345.
458. Ibid, p.346.
459. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 3.
460. Ibid, chapter 10.
461. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.39.
462. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
463. Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek. Translated by Angela Hall, 1984, 1993.
464. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
465. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.39.
466. The Religion of the Northmen by Rudolph Keyser. Translated by Barclay Pennock, NEW YORK: CHARLES B. NORTON, 71 CHAMBERS STREET,
467. The Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe by Hilda Ellis Davidson, 1993, p.88.
468. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
469. Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings" (Norroena Society, London, 1907), Saga of Olaf Haraldsson (St. Olaf), chapter 76.
470. Sacred Origins of Profound Things by Charles Panati, 1996, p.204.
471. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 20.
472. Ibid, chapter 24.
473. Sacred Origins of Profound Things by Charles Panati, 1996, p.205.
474. Ibid.
475. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
476. Ibid, chapter 20.
477. Ibid.
478. Ibid, chapter 24.
479. Ibid.
480. Ibid.
481. Ibid.
482. Ibid.
482a. Ibid.
483. Ibid.
484. Ibid, chapter 20.
485. Ibid.
486. Ibid, chapter 3.
487. Ibid, chapter 20.
488. Ibid.
489. Ibid.
490. Ibid.
491. Ibid.
492. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.59.
493. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
494. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.37.
495. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
496. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
497. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
498. Ibid.
499. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
500. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 24.
501. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.38.
502. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 22.
503. Tacitus' Germania translated by Thomas Gordon, chapter 11.
504. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 22.
505. Ibid.
506. Ibid.
507. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.
508. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 22.
509. Myths and Symbols In Pagan Europe by H. R. Ellis Davidson. 1988, p.37.
510. Grimm's Teutonic Mythology by Jakob Grimm, Vol.'s 1-4, 1883, 1888, chapter 23.
511. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic, by Geir T. Zoëga, 1910.