AOM Priesthood Communion Rituals
Short Ritual - For Private Use, Fan Version | ![]() |
Long Ritual - For Group Use |
SHORT Eucharist Ritual, For Private Use, Fan Version
Supplies Needed for Short Ritual:
1. Bread - Can be leavened or unleavened. The bread used at the Passover is unleavened, and so is the host used by the Roman Catholic Church. It's unclear whether Melchizedek used leavened or unleavened bread, but it was likely to have been leavened.
2. Wine - Can be grape juice if you must, but really should be wine if you can. Must be red.
3. Something to use as a Fan - You can construct a fan, or you can just use a blank sheet of paper.
Take the bread and set it on a saucer, and take the wine and put it into a chalice or wine glass. If you have a clay/pottery chalice, that's all the better, since clay is directly connected to Mother Earth, or Eema. (Keep in mind that Eema means Mother, just as Abba means Father in ancient Hebrew). If the saucer and chalice are glass, that's fine too. Glass is made from sand, and sand is connected to all four of the Elements. Sand is a part of the Earth, it is pounded into existence by the work of Water, in the desert or on a sunny beach it is ultra-hot from the Sun (Fire), and it is frequently blown around by the Air. So there you have it, glass is great. {smile}
Set the saucer of bread down on your altar, and then set the chalice to its left. Then, take your fan and set it above the saucer and chalice on the altar. Say the following prayer while holding your right hand over the bread.
"Eema, Asherah, Great Earth are in this Bread, and it is your Body. It is your body, which sustains us and nourishes us since the very beginning of time."
Now place your left hand over the wine.
"Astarte, Anat, Living are in this Wine, and it is your Blood. It is your life force, and we drink of it and become intoxicated with your Presence. Vine of Life, sustain us now and always."
Now take the fan, and wave it over the bread four times.
"Abba, El, Great High One...this is the Body of your Wife and Sister. It is the body which mates always with the Sky, which rules Heaven just as you rule Earth. It is the Queen and that which sustains the Queen all at once. It sustains itself. Come and be with it now, be with that which you love."
Now wave the fan over the wine four times.
"El Elyon, Yahweh, Baal, Living God...this is the Blood of your Mother and Daughter, which mingles with your blood. It is the blood which is your life force, just as your blood is the life force of the Earth. It is that which brings men to ecstasy, and that which tears them from ecstasy. Come and be with it now, be with that which you love."
You may now completely consume the bread and wine, the Body and Blood of the Mother, which is beloved by the Father.
VERSION 2 (Candle & Elements Version, by Deborah Diakonissa) Top
Supplies needed for Short Ritual:
1. Bread--can be leavened or unleavened. The bread used at the Passover is unleavened, and so is the host used by the Roman Catholic Church. It's unclear whether Melchizedek used leavenened or unleavened bread, but it was likely to have been leavened.
2. Wine--can be grape juice if you must, but really should be wine if you can. Must be red.
3. One or two candles, or incense. A nice touch is to use two candles, one white or gold (representing God) and one red (representing the Goddess). The main idea is to have some sort of flame, representing the element of fire.
Take the bread and set it on a saucer, and take the wine and put it into a chalice or wine glass. If you have a clay/pottery chalice, that's all the better, since clay is directly connected to Mother Earth, or Eema. (Keep in mind that Eema means Mother, just as Abba means Father in ancient Hebrew.) If the saucer and chalice are glass, that's fine too. Glass is made from sand, and sand is connected to all four of the Elements. Sand is a part of the Earth, it is pounded into existence by the work of Water, in the desert or on a sunny beach it is ultra-hot from the Sun (Fire), and it is frequently blown around by Air. So there you have it, glass it great. (smile)
Set the saucer of bread down on your altar, and then set the chalice to the left. Light the candle(s)/incense while saying the following: "Light of life, light of God, light of Goddess, illumine me now with your presence." Say the following prayer while holding your right hand over the bread: "Eema, Asherah, Great Earth Woman--you are in this Bread, and it is your body. It is your body, which sustains us and nourishes us since the very beginning of time."
Now place your left hand over the wine and say the following: "Astarte, Anat, Living Goddess. . . .you are in this wine, and it is your blood. It is your life force, and we drink of it and become intoxicated with your Presence. Vine of Life, sustain us now and always."
Now take your right hand, aligned horizontally, fingers together, palm cupped, and wave it over the bread four times, as if you were wafting the scent of the bread toward you. (Actually you are doing just that--molecules of the bread will be inhaled this way; another way of making the bread and wine part of you.) Say this prayer: "Abba, El, Great High One. . . .this is the Body of your Wife and sister. It is the body which mates always with the Sky, which rules Heaven just as you rule Earth. It is the Queen and that which sustains the Queen all at once. It sustains itself. Come and be with it now, be with that which you love."
Wave your left hand over the wine in the same way, four times, while saying the following prayer: "El Elyon, Yahweh, Baal, Living God. . .. This is the blood of your mother and daughter, which mingles with your blood. It is the blood which is your life force, just as your blood is the life force of the Earth. It is that which brings men to ecstasy, and that which tears them from ecstasy. Come and be with it now, be with that which you love."
Hold both hands over the bread and wine and pray the following: "Bread and wine, fruit of the Earth. Wine, containing Water. Movement of Air. Fire of candlelight (or incense, if you're using that). Spirit of God, of Goddess, of humans. Come together now, and accept this offering. I dedicate it to you."
Now take the bread and dip it into the wine. Briefly run the moistened bread through the candle fire (or incense smoke). Take care not to set off a smoke alarm, or put the candle flame out!
You may now completely consume the bread and the wine, the Body and Blood of the Mother, which is beloved by the Father.
Long Communion Ritual - for Group Use
Supplies Needed:
1. Enough bread for the congregation, and one whole piece for the fire.
2. Enough wine for the congregation, and enough to pour into the fire.
3. Fan
4. Kindling for a fire, or a fire place.
The Rabat Kohanat (High Priestess) takes the bread and wine, setting the saucer of bread down before the fire place and the chalice of wine to the saucer's left. The Rab Kohan should set the fan above the two, and before the fire place. The Chief Priest and Priestess should have either a Kohan or Kohanna or an assistant from the laity light the fire. Once the fire is lit, the Chief Priest should recite the following invocation of Baal: [don't be dismayed by the word Baal, it does NOT refer an evil pagan god as parts of the Old Testament would have you believe. Baal, also spelled Ba'al, is a word that means simply, "Lord" or "husband." To this day in Israel, the modern Hebrew language uses the word baal to mean husband and landlord. There was a god named Baal in Biblical times, he was a Canaanite deity who was worshipped by semitic peoples of the time, even the Hebrews. Indeed, he was considered to be a son of the Hebrew God, Yahweh.]
Invocation to Ba'al:
"Baal-Lord of the Light, come and be in this sacred fire now. Make it yours,
as we have made it ours. Make it worthy of sacrifice to the Divine YHVH,
the Elohim, the Godhead of our fathers and mothers. Make it worthy of sacrifice
to the God of Melchizedek. Make it worthy of sacrifice to the God of Abraham,
Isaac, and Jacob. Make it worthy of sacrifice to the High-God who made his
name, Eheieh Asher Eheieh (I am that I AM), known to the prophet Moses. Make
it worthy of sacrifice to the Great Mother of Israel, Asherah, who is the
mother of the earth. Make it worthy of sacrifice to the Fire God, the Logos,
who spoke the world into being. Make it worthy of sacrifice to the Earth
Goddess, the Spirit, whose divine spark is in all of mankind. Selah."
The Chief Priestess should then read the first verse from the Scriptures, Genesis 14:18-20:
"This is the Way of the Priest-King, Melchizedek: Melchizedek, King of Salem, brought out bread and wine, and being a priest of El Elyon, he blessed Avram with these words:
Blessed be Avram by El Elyon,
the creator of Heaven and Earth;
And blessed be El Elyon,
who delivered your foes into your hand.
Then Avram gave him a tenth of everything."
The Chief Priest will then read from Exodus 12:8:
"These are the words spoken by Yahweh to the Prophet Moses: 'That same night they shall eat the roasted flesh of the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.'"
The Chief Priestess will then take the saucer of bread and hold it high above her head, saying the following invocation:
"Eema, Asherah, Great Earth are in this Bread, and it is your Body. It is your body, which sustains us and nourishes us since the very beginning of time."
The Chief Priestess will then hand the saucer to the Chief Priest, who will say this invocation while fanning the bread:
"Abba, El, High One, Great Father...this is the Body of your Wife and Sister. It is the body which mates always with the Sky, which rules Heaven just as you rule Earth. It is the Queen and that which sustains the Queen all at once. It sustains itself. Come and be one with it now, be one with that which you love."
The Chief Priest will then throw one whole portion of the bread into the fire, while the Chief Priestess distributes the other bread to the people. Once the bread has been distributed to the people, the Chief Priestess should take the chalice and raise it high above her head, saying the following invocation:
"Astarte, Anat, Living are in this Wine, and it is your Blood. It is your life force, and we drink of it and become intoxicated with your Presence. Vine of Life, sustain us now and always."
The Chief Priestess will then hand the chalice to the Chief Priest, who will recite this invocation while fanning the wine:
"Yahweh, Baal, Living God...this is the Blood of your Mother and Daughter, which mingles with your blood. It is the blood which is your life force, just as your blood is the life force of the Earth. It is that which brings men to ecstasy, and that which tears them from ecstasy. Come and be one with it now, be one with that which you love."
The Chief Priestess will then distribute the wine to the people. Once this is finished, the Chief Priest will throw the remainder of the wine into the fire. The Chief Priestess will then address the congregation:
"You have received this Body and Blood as the sacrifice that the Earth Goddess and the Sky God have made for us. This is the covenant of the ancients."
The Chief Priest will then say:
"You have given up some of this Body and Blood as a sacrifice to the Father-God, your Creator, through this sacred fire. This is the covenant of the ancients."
The Chief Priestess will then read from Exodus 16:13-15:
"This is the way that Yahweh fed his people: In the evening quail came up and covered the camp. In the morning a dew lay all about the camp, and when the dew evaporated, there on the surface of the desert were fine flakes like hoarfrost on the ground. On seeing it, the Israelites asked one another, "What is this?" for they did not know what it was. But Moses told them, "This is the bread which Yahweh has given you to eat."
The Chief Priest will then read from 1 Samuel 21:4-5:
"This is how David, servant of God, was fed: 'Now what have you on hand? Give me five loaves, or whatever you can find.' But the priest replied to David, 'I have no ordinary bread on hand, only holy bread; if the men have abstained from women, you may eat some of that.'"
The Chief Priestess will then address the congregation:
"The peace of Asherah and Spirit, Heh and Heh, be with you."
Congregation: "And with you."
Chief Priest: "And may the peace of Yahweh and Logos, Yahd and Vav, be with you."
Congregation: "And with you."
Chief Priestess: "Go now, sustained by the Bread of the Earth and intoxicated by the Blood of Life."
After the congregation has gone, the fire should be extinguished.