City, State, Zip________________________________________
Country:_____________________________________________ |
Phone: _______________________ (We will not call
you unless it's dire...) |
Email Address:___________________________________________ |
Date of Birth: ______________________________ |
Gender: ___ Male ___ Female |
Marital Status: ___Single ___Married
___Divorced ___Too long a story
for this space |
Number of Children: ___ Boy(s) ___ Girl(s) |
Partners Name:________________________________________________ |
Choose how you want to be Ordained (more than one is okay) |
____ Spiritual Minister
____ Interfaith Minister
____ Psychic Minister
____ Esoteric Minister
Other Title (Please describe) ______________________________________________
You may choose more than one title from the above list for an additional
$20 fee. (Separate certificates.)
Please enter your name exactly as you want it to appear on
your Ordination Certificate:
(Most people include their middle name.)_____________________________________________________________ |
Why do you wish to become a counselor/minister?__________________________________________________________________
(Include additional pages if needed) |
Any experience as a counselor (including informal, with family
or friends?)
Do you pledge to use your Counselor/Minister Status for the Service
of Humanity?
Please tell us in one or two paragraphs how becoming ordained
will help you in your current work.
The following questions are somewhat optional,
but we encourage you to answer them because they help us build a
picture of you and what has made you the person you are. Souls appear
and re-appear in "families" or "soul groups". They often follow
family bloodlines, you ARE your ancestors. Past lives are sometimes
hard to believe in, but genetic memory is very real. The things
you are drawn to in life, flashbacks, and deja vu are your genetic
memory nagging you. We can better help you get where you're going
if we have a complete profile of you and your ancestral background. |
What religion
were you raised on?______________________________________________________
Do you still practice its ways? ____ Fully
____ Somewhat ____ Seldom ___
How does your immediate family feel about your chosen spiritual
path? Opposition? Approval?
Your Occupation:___________________________________________________
Your skills: _________________________________________________________
Hobbies, etc: _______________________________________________________
Please check the box next to the items you are ordering.
The Ordination fee is $156 (includes Priority Mail shipping)
A Second Ordination Title is $20
Wallet ID credentials are available for $10.
Photo Badge ID -- $15 (please send a passport
style picture, by snail-mail or by email attachment)
Beautiful white hardback Interfaith Minister's Manual We have them
available immediately
(they take 4-6 weeks from Amazon). It includes ceremonies and rituals
from strict Catholic to Native American. The cost is $31, which
includes Priority Mail shipping.
Check this box only if you want Rush shipping. Cost varies,
depending on where you are.
Payment Methods
Discover (We accept checks and credit cards via
PayPal on-line)
Check or Money Order made payable to Esoteric Interfaith Church,
Inc. Email us for
snail mail instructions.
Did you submit your Spiritual Biography to the Seminary?
No If no, please do so after finishing this
application, or include it with this application via snail-mail
or fax.
Your application will be reviewed and you will be notified immediately
upon acceptance.
Include your Visa or MasterCard info for quick processing
{Be sure you have filled in the application completely and submitted
your Spiritual Biography}
16-digit Card number _________________________________________________________
____ Visa ____ MasterCard ____Discover
Name on Card (please print) ____________________________________________