Rites & Blots Greeting the Day #1 Upon awakening, go outside or at least to a window and see the sun's light. If it's cloudy that's okay, the world is still flooded with light from the sun even on the cloudiest of days. Reach out your left hand as if to take in the sun's energy, and say the following: --arranged by Ari Odhinssen & Alfta Svanni Lothursdottir Greeting the Day #2 Adapted from Sigdrífumál by Alfta Svanni Lothursdottir Hale Dagr This is a daily prayer said at rising, that was adapted from the Poetic Edda, from the lay of Sigdrífulmál. Dagr is the god of day, and Nött is the goddess of night. The Regin are the gods of the North; the Aesir and Vanir. The word Regin means, literally, 'ruling powers'. The Alfar are the elves. Jorth and Nerthus are both names for different aspects of the earth. The word "hale" basically means health and Holiness and is the English cognate for the Old Norse word 'heill', of the same meaning.
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